IGEQ Governance

This page outlines the guiding principles, operational structure, and governance framework of the International Group for Equestrian Qualifications (IGEQ). This document defines the roles, responsibilities, and procedures for member federations and affiliated partners, ensuring that all activities align with the mission to standardize and promote equestrian instructor qualifications worldwide. The page serves as a reference for all members, fostering transparency and accountability in IGEQ’s collaborative efforts.

Learn more by clicking each drop down item below.

  • The IGEQ (International Group for Equestrian Qualifications) shall be made up of representatives of National Equestrian Federations (NFs), Governing Body or organisation authorised by Government to deliver equestrian qualifications (Member), that wish to take part in the work of the Group.  Initial application to join the Group should be made to the Executive Committee.  Membership to be subsequently ratified at the next IGEQ Annual Conference by those members present.  An application form is available on the web site and when completed should be sent to the Secretary.

    Normally, each Member country may nominate one organisation to represent it, and a maximum of two delegates to attend events on its behalf.  Every effort should be made to ensure one of these delegates remain constant, understands the aims, objectives and ethos of IGEQ and attend the annual conference, to ensure continuity.  This does not preclude Members nominating other delegates to attend training seminars as appropriate.  Each Member agrees to accept conference/committee decisions reached by democratic vote, whether or not the individual Member agrees.  

    Each Member agrees to pay a membership fee, as determined from time to time, on 1 June annually, which will be invoiced by IGEQ.  Members who may have difficulty in paying a membership fee should contact the Executive Committee direct.

  • The IGEQ shall work to:

    • Harmonise qualifications in riding, driving, vaulting, western and tourism instruction, including the associated stable management, and any other equestrian qualification that may be developed by any Member.

    • Issue International Equestrian Passports (through Members) to those suitably qualified to hold them. 

    • Arrange Examiner/Trainers' clinics to aid the development of a common approach to examining/training and maintain an agreed standard.

    • Maintain standards through Observer visits to examinations by invitation from Members and encourage sharing of best practice.

    • Encourage the growth of equestrian activities, linked to the agreed IGEQ standards, in those countries seeking to develop.

    • Further develop and recognise competition coach qualifications.

  • The IGEQ to be guided by an Executive Committee of 7 members, one to represent each of the following regions.  In addition, a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Technical Delegate.  A Vice-Chairman will be nominated from members of the Executive Committee.

    View our current Executive Committee here.

    Regional representatives are nominated by the member countries of each region to serve a term of 4 years on a rotating basis (current term shown above). The composition of the Executive Committee to be confirmed at the IGEQ annual conference. 

  • The Chairman shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and confirmed by IGEQ.  He/she shall serve for a term of 4 years.  The year before the current term of office expires, recommendations may be made to the Executive Committee and if more than one nomination is received an email ballot will be held.  The appointment of Chairman for the next 4 years will then be confirmed by the IGEQ annual conference. 

    The Executive Committee shall appoint a Vice Chairman and Secretary for a period of 4 years and a Treasurer if agreed necessary.

    Ownership of all documentation and records shall remain vested in the Group.  As agreed in 1992 at the outset, the working language of the Group will be English.

  • In the event of a member wishing to resolve a problem, the following procedure shall apply:

    1. The Member concerned shall submit their query/problem in writing to the Secretary, who will forward it to the Chairman and members of the Executive Committee.

    2. If necessary an Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Committee will be convened to discuss the matter with representatives of the Member(s) concerned.  Following this the Executive Committee will make recommendations to the next full conference.  If the matter is too urgent to wait, then the Executive Committee will take any necessary decision on behalf of the Group.

  • The international conferences shall be organised as often as agreed necessary, by invitation from a Member as host.  The programme shall be agreed by the Executive Committee, in collaboration with the host Member.

    1. The International Passport shall be issued to a Member on receipt of an official order.  An invoice will then be issued for the total cost (incl. postage, bank charges etc), which will be despatched with the passports by registered post.  

    2. Each Member is responsible for the issue of passports to its own trainers/instructors if they should wish to apply, and for the verification of the qualifications shown in a passport.

    3. The regulations for the issue of passports are determined by the IGEQ and may be amended, as necessary from time to time detailed on the Passport Protocol.

    4. The Secretary shall maintain a central database of all passports issued to Members.  Each Member shall maintain complete records of passports issued and submit annual returns to the Treasurer, confirming passport numbers issued, the date, to whom, and the level.

  • a. The Treasurer (or Secretary) and one other nominated delegate shall be signatories to the Group’s bank account. These signatories must live in the UK, as the Bank account in a UK account.

    b. The Treasurer (or Secretary) shall maintain accounts showing income and expenditure, which must be audited annually.

    c. Any surplus in the account may be used for funding Observer visits, examiner training or other agreed seminars, after meeting the following costs, in order of priority:

    (i) The travel and accommodation of the Chairman, Secretary & Technical Delegate to meetings of the Executive Committee and Conferences and the Treasurer (if appointed).

    (ii)Administration costs, e.g. passports, stationery, telephone, fax, postage etc.

    (iii)Costs of Executive Meetings.

    d. Each Member is responsible for the expenses of its own delegates to attend IGEQ conferences, seminars and executive meetings.