IGEQ Passports
The Equestrian Passport offers easy to carry confirmation of educator qualifications (useful both at home and overseas) and is available only to those holding an eligible qualification on the current List of Eligible Qualifications for each discipline: Riding (All Round), Driving, Vaulting, Western, Tourism, Discipline Competition Coach (Show Jumping, Dressage & Eventing).
Therapeutic educators must hold a Level 1 riding qualification on the list to be eligible for a passport. Only qualifications listed are accepted. If your country is not a member of IGEQ, and you hold an eligible qualification, you may ask the Member that issued your qualification for a passport.
It enables educators to have their qualifications recognised and accepted in IGEQ member countries, thus easing the difficulties of teaching in other parts of the world (subject to national legal requirements). Note that in some countries qualifications and licences to teach are controlled by Government. All passport holders are strongly recommended to contact the federation of their chosen new country to ensure they will be eligible for a licence to teach BEFORE they make firm arrangements or move. They should also apply for a passport from their home Federation BEFORE they move to another country.
The passport also reassures prospective employers that the holder is properly qualified and to what level. Note: IGEQ passports are issued at 3 levels, therefore holders of qualifications listed in the International Expert column will receive a Level 3 passport. The higher qualification will be shown on the Endorsement Page of the passport.
It is important to note that educators recognised by another IGEQ member to work at the level of their passport are NOT eligible to receive a certificate at that same level. Harmonisation does not give the right to demand a further certificate at the same level but it is possible to take the next level examination in another country if desired, as long as a Level 1 passport is held.
The passport is also a useful tool for members to record educator professional development and raise the profile of professional educator qualifications.
Members who wish to make changes to their entry in the List of Eligible Qualifications should contact the Treasurer. A Member interested in, or wishing, to issue passports should read the attached Protocol for IGEQ Passport and then contact the Treasurer. to order passports.
Educators wishing to apply for an IGEQ passport must apply to their Member country. Passports are not available to individuals direct from IGEQ.
IGEQ Student Passports
This exciting new initiative will provide students with the opportunity to apply to their IGEQ Member, for a small, hardwearing, easy to carry record of their achievements and milestones during their student career.
Each achievement will be verified (stamped & signed) by the training provider in the passport, which will provide their proven training history in one document. This may also include work experience, at home or abroad, student exchange visits, as well as the usual required steps on the road to a qualification. We hope that in time this will reduce the need for bulky files of evidence which students are currently required to provide and maintain.
Student passports will only be available from participating IGEQ Members, who will set their criteria for the issue of the passports. Members wishing to issue student passports should read the Protocol and then contact the Secretary for details of cost, etc.
Training Providers or Students interested in this passport should contact their National Federation direct.
If your country is a member of IGEQ, you need to contact the address on this website and ask the procedure and cost.
Yes, if you hold a qualification on the Eligible List, you should contact the Member that issued your qualification.
The country where you are a permanent resident, pay taxes, etc, should issue you with a Passport, providing they are a Member of IGEQ and your qualification is on the Eligible List.
Each IGEQ member sets the price they charge for a passport.
Most of our Members allow candidates from other countries to take their exams. Contact the member you feel best suits your needs.
IGEQ does not run examinations. These are available from our Member countries.