Olympic Discipline Eligibility
In Review - January 2025
International Level 1:
EFA/NCAS Level 1 General
EA Level 1 General
International Level 2:
EFA/NCAS Level 2 General
EA Level 2 General
International Level 3:
EFA/NCAS Level 3 General
EA Level 2 Eventing & EA Level 2 Show Jumping
EA Level 3 General
International Expert:
EA Level 3 Eventing; EA Level 3 Show Jumping;
International Level 1:
Pferdew Mstr.
Zucht & Haltung
International Level 2:
Bereiter (FENA)
International Level 3:
Reitlehrer (FENA)
International Expert
International Level 1:
Begeleider (Sport Vlaanderen)Moniteur N/veau
International Level 2:
Trainer B (Sport Vlaanderen)
Instructeur B (Sport Vlaanderen)Aide Moniteur (ADEPS-LEWB)
International Level 3:
Trainer A (Sport Vlaanderen)
Moniteur (ADEPS-LEWB)
International Expert:
Toptrainer (Sport Vlaanderen)
Entraineur (ADEPS-LEWB)
International Level 1:
Preliminary Instructor Certificate
International Level 2:
Instructor's Certificate
International Level 3:
Trainer's Certificate
International Expert:
International Level 1:
National Coaching Certificate Level 1.
New 2010 – Competition Coach
International Level 2:
National Coaching Certificate Level 2.
New 2011 – Competition Coach Specialist
International Level 3:
National Coaching Certificate Level 3.
New 2011- High Performance 1
International Expert:
National Coaching Certificate Level 4. Future plan - High Performance 2
International Level 1:
International Level 2:
Trainer II Grade
International Level 3:
Trainer I Grade
International Expert:
International Level 1:
International Level 2:
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
(Assistant Instructor)
International Level 2:
(Riding Instructor)
International Level 3:
Master Opettaja
Master Instructor
International Expert:
International Level 1:
BAP (Brevet
D'Animateur Poney)Animateur Asistant d'Equitation (AAE)
International Level 2:
BEES 1e Degré -
Brevet D'Etat
Sportif option activities equestresBPJEPS Equitation (Brevet Professionel de la Jeunessse de l'Education Populaire et du Sport Equitation
DEJEPS (Diplôme d'Etat Jeunesse Education Populaire et Sport)
Mention Sports équestres (from 2020)
International Level 3:
BEES 2e Degré
Instructorat (option
DESJEPS mention equitation
International Expert:
International Level 1:
ReitwartTrainer C
International Level 2:
Pferdewirt schwerpunkt ‘Reiten’
Bereiter (FN)Trainer B
International Level 3:
Pferdewirt-schaftsmeister-Teibereich ‘Reitausbildung’ Berufsreitlehrer (FN)
Trainer A
International Expert:
Dipl. Tr Reiten
Pferdew Mstr.
International Level 1:
Lovas oktató
Sportoktató belovagló
International Level 2:
Lovas edzö
International Level 3:
Lovas szakedzö
International Expert:
International Level 1:
International Level 2:
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
International Level 2:
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Instructor Level 1
International Level 2:
Instructor Level 2
International Level 3:
Instructor Level 3
International Expert:
International Level 1:
See South Africa
International Level 2:
See South Africa
International Level 3:
See South Africa
International Expert:
See South Africa
International Level 1:
Malaysian Equine Council Level 1
International Level 2:
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Leerling Pikeur (NHB)
Begeleider Paardensport (NHB)Commandant (ORUN)
1e fase Kandidaat Instructeur (ORUN)
Instructeur 2 (ORUN)Instructeur Paardensport Basissport (KNHS)
International Level 2:
Pikeur NHB
Instructeur 1 (NHB)
Zelfstandig Beroepsbeoefenaar Paardensport (NHB)
Vakbekwaam medewerker Paardensport (NHB)
Instructeur Paardensport III (NHB)
Assistant Instructeur (ORUN)
Instructeur 2e fase (ORUN)
Instructeur 3 (ORUN)
International Level 3:
Instructeur 3e klasse (NHB)
Instructeur 2 (NHB)
Instructeur 3 (NHB)
Kaderfunctionaris Paardensport (NHB)
Gespecialiseerd Beroepsbeoefenaar Paardensport (NHB)
Bedrijfsleider Instructeur Paardensport (NHB)
Instructeur Paardensport IV (NHB)
Manager Paardensportbedrijf (NHB)
Instructeur (ORUN)
Instructeur 3e fase (ORUN)
Instructeur 4 (ORUN)
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Ridelærer 1
International Level 2:
Ridelærer 2
International Level 3:
Ridelærer 3
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Instruktor Sportu Jezdzieckiego bez udokumentowanego posiadania I klasy sportowej
International Level 2:
Instruktor Sportu Jezdzieckiego z udokumentowanego posiadaniem I klasy sportowej
International Level 3:
Trener jeździectwa
II klasyTrener jeździectwa
I klasy
International Expert:
Trener jeździectwa klasy mistrzowskiej
International Level 1:
Ajudante de Monitor
International Level 2:
International Level 3:
Treinador Nacional
International Expert:
Treinador Internacional Metre de Equitaçäo
International Level 1:
Assistant Coach
International Level 2:
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Istruttore Federale 1
International Level 2:
Istructtore Federale 2
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
International Level 2:
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
SANEF National Certificate of Horsemastership & Preliminary Riding Instruction - Level 1
SA Occupational Certificate: Equestrian /coach/Instructor Level 1
International Level 2:
SANEF National Instructors Certificate Standard Level 2
SA Occupational Certificate: Equestrian Coach/Instructor Level 2
International Level 3:
SANEF National Instructors Certificate Advanced - Level 3
SA Occupational Certificate: Equestrian Coach/Instructor Level 3
International Expert:
SANEF Specialist
International Level 1:
Monitor; Tecnico Deportivo de Doma; Salto Y CCE Certificate
International Level 2:
Ayudante de Instructor; Tecnico Deportivo de Doma; Salto Y CCE Official Qualification
International Level 3:
Instructor; Tecnico Superior en Hipica Official Qualification
International Expert:
Tecnico Superior+ Specialty Doma; Salto CCE, Paraecuestre
International Level 1:
Biträdande Ridinstruktör
Svensk Ridlärare I (from 2010)
International Level 2:
Svensk Ridlärare II (from 2010)
International Level 3:
Auktoriserad Ridlärare
Svensk Ridlärare III (from 2010)
International Expert:
Swedish Fellow
International Level 1:
International Level 2:
Écuyer avec certificat fédéral de capacité (Bereiter mit fahigkeitsausweis) OR Professional du cheval CFC (Pferdefachperson EFZ)
International Level 3:
Écuyer avec brevet professionnel (Bereiter mit Berufsprufung)
International Expert:
Maitre d'équitation
International Level 1:
BHS Assistant Instructor (BHSAI).
Stage 3 Coach
International Level 2:
BHS Intermediate Instructor (BHSII).
Stage 4 Senior Coach
International Level 3:
BHS Instructor (BHSI).
Stage 5 Performance Coach
International Expert:
Fellow of the BHS (FBHS)
Note: IGEQ passports are issued at 3 levels, therefore holders of qualifications listed in the International Expert column (below) will receive a Level 3 passport. The higher qualification should be shown on the Endorsement Page of the passport. It is important to note that instructors will be recognised in another member country at the level of their passport and are NOT eligible to receive a certificate at the same level from another Federation. Harmonisation does not give the right to demand a further certificate at the same level but it may be possible to take the next level examination if desired.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only holders of qualifications on the list are eligible to apply for a passport. NO other qualifications are eligible. If a member federation wishes to amend or add qualifications to the list, they should contact the Secretary.