Tourism Instructor Qualifications
Under Review as of December 15th, 2024
Tourism Instructor Examination Minimum Requirements
Riding: Including but not limited: Ride and maintain the basic paces. Ride and maintain trained school horses. Showing correct use of aids. Demonstrate transitions; stop, back, two track and circles with transitions. Recreational riding
Stable Management: Manage a horse in hand; Basic anatomy and physiology; Recognize healthy and unhealthy horses; Routine horse care; Lunge a horse for exercise; Feeding and knowledge of the various types of food; Safety aspects when handling horses; Equipment Basic knowledge of equine first aid. First aid for humans
Teaching: Basic pedagogic skills and, psychology of learning; Communication skills; Riding etiquette and safety; Manage a horse in hand and saddling procedures; Working a horse on the flat in the three different paces with a correct use of aids; Correct use of reins during the basic work; Stable management. Groups and individuals.
Notes: Work a trained horse at basic paces and work level. Maintenance of working skills of a schooled horse.
Riding: Ride school horses to maintain development level and achieve performance; Show correct execution of and ability to correct faults including but not limited to change in transitions and two track at walk across the arena – Pivot on the haunches & fore leg, speed control, 180º turn, lead change
Stable Management: Further anatomy and physiology. Recognize lameness and take suitable action; Prophylaxis of parasitic and infective sickness, horse hygiene and shelter management. Understand dietary needs of different horses. Planning the daily work schedule of staff and riders. Develop and maintain fitness programs for competition work. Further knowledge of use of equipment.
Teaching: Pedagogic skills, psychology of learning;. Communication skills; Groups and individuals. Western riding competition disciplines relevant to the level of riding on trained horses. Theory of: natural and artificial aids. Paces. The effects of the reins.
Notes: Understand remedial schooling techniques. Ride a horse on a straight track and on a circle in the different paces. Lunge a horse in order to develop the basic paces and balance; Flying change two track at the different paces
Riding: Training riders and horses for competitions in the specific discipline in which the trainer is qualified.
Stable Management: Able to manage a large stable with all the required skills. Manage people to enable progression and efficiency. Manage horses to maintain health and fitness. Manage a business to maintain economic growth. Ability to plan training and feeding schedules for competition horses in each particular discipline. Event management. Maintenance of the show horse.
Teaching: All teaching criteria from level 1 and 2 will be more consolidated. Train individuals and/or groups to Reining maneuvers to the level of competitive riding on trained and young horses. Understanding of psychophysical conditions of the sport horse. Understanding the potential of a horse. They will have knowledge on subjects as for example dressage training, jumping training or training students for a career in the horse industry.
Notes: Recognizing the psychophysical needs of the sport horse. Evaluation of the potential of a sport horse. Recognizing and solving problems which could arise with a horse during training;
Matrix Guidelines
Activity: Teaching sound basic principles could be under the supervision of level 2 or 3.
May Include Work With: Novice riders, children. Recreational riders.
Status: Basic Instructor for recreational riders. Equestrian Tourism. Simple instruction in riding, horse care and management.
Workplace: Club or Riding School could be recommended or approved by the National Federation and/or Government.
Recommended Training Time: Minimum age – 18 years. 2 years training following full-time education, as appropriate. Experience will be recognized by Instructor level 2 or 3.
Activity: Independent instructor with responsibility for all general aspects of teaching riders and training horses
May Include Work With: All, developing competition riders
Status: Show ability to train as above and develop riders’ level to competition level. Training and coaching level 1 instructors.
Workplace: Club, College, Riding School, could be recommended or approved by the National Federation and/or Government
Recommended Training Time: 2 years further training from Level 1. Experience will be recognized by Instructor level 3.
Activity: Independent. Master Instructor – Competition Coach
May Include Work With: All and competitive riders to advanced level.
Status: As Level 1 & 2 and manage a large equestrian centre. Plan programs for all levels. Management of horse and rider before, during and after competition. Training instructors to Level 1 & 2 +Traveling instructor. Coach for competitive disciplines medium- high level. Personal experience at Show level.
Workplace: As for level 1&2. Large Centre may be recommended or approved by the National Federation and/or Government.
Recommended Training Time: 2 years further training from Level 2.
International Level 1:
Accompagnateur Tourisme Equestre
International Level 2:
Guide de Randonnée
International Level 3:
Maître Randonneur
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Guide 1 de tourisme équestre
International Level 2:
Guide 2 de tourisme équestre
International Level 3:
Guide 3 de tourisme équestre
International Expert:
International Level 1:
ATE (Accompagnateur de tourisme équestre)
International Level 2:
BJEPS mention tourisme équestre
International Level 3:
Guide de tourisme équestre
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Berittführer (Ride leader)
International Level 2:
Trainer B in Hiking on horseback
Wanderreitführer (Leader in Hiking on horseback)
International Level 3:
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Tecnico di Equitazione di campagna di 1 livello
International Level 2:
Tecnico di Equitazione di campagna di 2 livello
International Level 3:
Tecnico di Equitazione di campagna di 3 livello
International Expert:
International Level 1:
EQASA Equestrian Coach (Tourism) Level 1
International Level 2:
EQASA Senior Equestrian Coach (Tourism) Level 2
International Level 3:
EQASA Master Equestrian Coach (Tourism) Level 3
International Expert:
International Level 1:
Assistant Ride Leader
International Level 2:
Ride Leader
International Level 3:
Centre Manager
International Expert:
Note: IGEQ passports are issued at 3 levels, therefore holders of qualifications listed in the International Expert column (below) will receive a Level 3 passport. The higher qualification should be shown on the Endorsement Page of the passport. It is important to note that instructors will be recognised in another member country at the level of their passport and are NOT eligible to receive a certificate at the same level from another Federation. Harmonisation does not give the right to demand a further certificate at the same level but it may be possible to take the next level examination if desired.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only holders of qualifications on the list are eligible to apply for a passport. NO other qualifications are eligible. If a member federation wishes to amend or add qualifications to the list, they should contact the Secretary.